Handwriting Analysis
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Change Your Handwriting = Change Your Life
Studies have shown that
Handwriting is actually brain writing,
and that if you alter the way you write often enough,
the neuro impulses, created by this, will actually alter our personality traits.
This book will show you the common changes you can make to improve your life!

Maybe you have all the skills you need and a dream,
but something is keeping you from achieving your goals,
it might be that long ago, someone told you that you could not do it,
or you told yourself, what ever it was.
I believe that you have to evaluate from time to time,
your beliefs and decide if they are still valid today,
and if they no longer apply, then change those beliefs !
With handwriting analysis you can discover those limiting traits,
and through either Grapho Therapy or Hypnotherapy remove those blocks.
Time to make a change ?

You can order your personality analysis below

$100. CAD

Handwriting for Entertainment